I woke up and chuckled at the impossibilities... We would NEVER be late getting Lady to the airport. That is nearly impossible. I mean, have you ever taken her to the airport? You will be at least 2 hours early. (btw, Lady is my awesome mom and the only feasible reason she might be late for something is that she would be helping one of her kids clean something).
The next impossibility, a fishing cabin? Why? I've never even been fishing and I think Eric mentioned he had done it once at scout camp but it doesn't seem to have made that big of an impact.
And lastly, Alabama? Really? Who moves there? Oh wait. I did. I really did. Not dreaming. It still feels like it though.
People keep telling me I'm going to grow to love it here and never want to leave but I'm struggling to believe that. Maybe once we find a house we love that doesn't have as many bugs as this apartment. Or maybe once my family because un-bite-able to all the ants and mosquitoes.
We've been here a month now and so far killed 3 scorpions in the house, I forgot how many roaches and spiders, a bunch of millipede/centipedes, and at least 3 unidentified creatures that look more like Randall from Monsters Inc than insects. We don't even bother killing the pill bugs...
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Randall Boggs from Monsters Inc |
So everyone constantly asks how we like it here to which I reply, "It's beautiful!" because that much is true. But it's kind of like the jungle: It's really beautiful and amazing things grow there, but there are just so many bugs! (I guess I don't really know that since I've never been to a jungle, just watched National Geographic. I know I couldn't handle jungle bugs).
Anyway, does anyone like a place the first month they live there? Don't answer that, I'm going to just keep telling myself the answer is no and hope for the best.
In other news, my kids are still totally adorable.
After downing a delicious plate of vegetable lasagna, then hiding behind said plate. |