Soooo I decided that we should have a blog. So while Eric goes to fetch his 18th Otter Pop of the day, I will "blog."
MOSTLY, I'm starting a blog because I want to gloat. Yes, you'll allll be jealous. Eric and I just bought our 1 year anniversary gift to one another. (More on how crazy it is that we're nearing one year already later). Any guesses? Fancy jewels? A new car? A cruise to the Bahamas? Not even close. WAY better. A tandem bike. Yep. That's right. We'll be cruisin the hills of Provo on the sweetest wheels on the street!

I guess it's one more excuse for you all to come visit us
Congrats on making it a WHOLE year!! J/K!! Your bike looks super cool!! You can add us to your friends if ya want to claim us!! LOL
Sweet bike. I want to ride.
Thanks for making a blog site. I will check it at least once a day, when I am around a computer. I love to hear and see what my children are doing.
I am so proud of you both. In a good kind of proud!
Uh oh. If you don't have a blog, nobody really hassles you on a regular basis for not making blog posts. They assume that you've got some good reason such as technophobia or a 2400 baud modem that keeps you from doing it.
But once you start, you open yourself up to the constant stream of "You need more pictures in your blog posts, it's too much words and I don't read them" or "Hey that's a great story, you should put it in your blog even though I won't read it because I already know the story now" and "Put more pictures of your baby in your blog. What, you don't have a baby? Well, when are you going to get a freakin' baby?"
Also, you are far more likely to hear certain blog-rooted words like "blogophobia," "blogophile," "blogoshpere," and "bloghole."
So before I cave to my blogophobia and shut my bloghole, I'd just like to say welcome to our newest blogophile to blog in the blogsphere.
Cute blog! Thanx for putting it together, it will be fun keeping up with you guys!!!
So, our trip to CA and the tandem bikes on the beach led you to this purchase, I'm assuming? :) Remember, there's far less beach and warmth in UT than in Newport. Just a little FYI. But, your bike is really cute and it will continue to add to your Staci-and-Eric-are-adorable cuteness. :) I think you and Eric looked far cuter on yours than Porter and me!!
Okay, you two seriously couldn't BE cuter! I mean, you're already so smiley and adorable, and now there will be one bike for the two of you? And you'll obviously be eating otter pops while riding? That's a two-for-one everyone will want to snap up!
I am thrilled for you to get a blog, and I know we'll enjoy your contribution to the blogosphere. Although Clark forgot one blogword - blogslacker. I'm a certified blogslacker and I'm happy to provide instruction on how to become one too!
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