Okay, okay, okay. I admit, blogging is not my thing. But I know that all my loyal fans out there want to know all the details of my extra-exciting life so I will try to post at least once a month in 2009. I was inspired by my cousin Brooke's "thankful" blog so I'm going to try that route. I think we could all spend a little bit more time focused on the things we are grateful for anyway, so here's my grateful list for January.
I'm grateful for:
1. The little baby BOY growing so well within me! We found out the end of last month that we have a very healthy little boy on the way. We couldn't be happier-- we both wanted a little boy first. We've decided to name him: Wesley Eric Avarell.
2. Snow boots and a snow/ice scraper/brush with a really long handle. At the beginning of the month, we got some SERIOUS snow in Provo and I was very grateful to have something to push it away with, even just a little.

3. My cat-like reflexes. Yesterday morning as I was rushing out to my car to go to work, I slipped (and went flying) on some sneaky black ice. It could have been much, much worse, but I landed on my hands and knees like a cat instead of on my face, belly, hip, etc. I came back inside and Eric helped me bandage up my skinned knee and wipe the blood off my pants. He's gonna be a good daddy. :)

4. My yoga class. I get to teach every Monday and Wednesday night. Not only does it keep me in shape, but I've made some great friends and gotten great advice from some veteran mothers.
5. The extra cute Moses basket I found for only $30. I saw the exact same one online elsewhere for $90. Gotta love a bargain.

6. Friends that let me hold their sweet one-month-old baby boy for about 3 hours. I can't wait to hold my own!
7. Trident Tropical Twist gum. Nothing else beats a sugar craving quite like it.
8. A stable job with non-crazy co-workers. Mostly anyway... we all have our moments. Eric and I have gotten really into The Office lately and I'm constantly grateful for the lack of drama/craziness in my BYU office. Relatively, of course.

8. A stable job with non-crazy co-workers. Mostly anyway... we all have our moments. Eric and I have gotten really into The Office lately and I'm constantly grateful for the lack of drama/craziness in my BYU office. Relatively, of course.
9. Grocery stores-- particularly the fact that I don't have to milk my own cows and butcher my own meat.
So there you have it. My first post of the year. I even tried to go the extra mile, what with pictures and all. We'll see if I can keep up the blog ambition. And maybe if you're lucky, I'll even think about taking/posting a belly picture one of these days!
Yeah for a new post. Boo for black ice. :(
Hurray. You wrote a great post. And yes, I want pictures of the growing tummy/baby.
I love your "grateful list." Sometimes we get so bogged down in life that we forget to see the big picture. Thanks for the reminders of things to be grateful for.
I am grateful we don't have snow in Texas. Today was warmer - over 70 degrees. Yeah!
I'll second the long-handled snow brush! We got another foot over the weekend. Blech.
Where'd you find the cute Moses basket?
I wonder who was using my blog sign on to write the comment about the long handled brush. It wasn't me.
Hey guys... Its Elder Rasmussen! and Allison of course. Nice blog. We will send you an invite to ours. What email should we send it to?We need to do something! Send me an email or text with you address. corbinras@gmail.com
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