The Grateful List:
1. Finally having an opportunity to speak
They say the two most universal fears are death and public speaking. I actually really like public speaking. I think it's fun and invigorating. Weird I know, but I guess it's like people who really like skydiving or cliff jumping or something. Same idea. I had the opportunity to speak in church today for the first time in about 3 or 4 years. I loved it! I really like preparing talks and then I have even more fun giving them.
2. Couple friends
It took us a while to figure it out and find any, but I have to say some of the most satisfying friendships are when you find a girl you really connect with and seeing your husbands connect too. Or connecting with the wife of one of your husband's good friends. So a shout out for friendships
3. AWESOMEly mild winter weather
I've probably cursed myself now, but I have to say that RAIN in January and February really makes my heart sing. I love rain. Snow is scary. I'm so glad we've only had a few gnarly snowstorms and a lot of beautiful cold days.
4. The Ensign
I set a goal to read that magazine cover to cover before I can read my BHG for the month, and I'm totally lovin it. Good stuff.
5. BHG
Better Homes and Gardens. Best. Magazine. Ever.

6. A seriously cute husband that makes me laugh and smile and loves me and thinks my giant belly is cute.
Need I say more?
7. A belly filled with a really sweet little boy that I can't wait to meet and snuggle.
8. Sunflower Farmer's Market
This new grocery store opened up in Orem recently. They have amazing sales on produce and on Wednesdays, they have twice as many sales! Best store ever. Thanks for helping us prevent scurvy.
9. Coupons
So I'm totally turning into my mom, but I can't help myself here. How else can you stock your food storage on a budget? Honestly? I now understand why my mom never bought anything unless it was on sale and she had a coupon. I sometimes feel like I'm robbing the grocery store with all the savings!
10. My personal space heater
I'm usually always cold. I plan to always have a jacket with me because I'm usually cold when everyone else is comfortable. Thanks to the joys of pregnancy, I'm now toasty when everyone else is chilly! I never thought I would see that day. I knew it had come when I woke up in the middle of the night roasting and sweaty and looked over to see Eric with ALL the covers (including the heavy comforter) pulled right up to his chin. Usually that's absolutely the opposite.
Hurray! I love the belly pictures and yes, to me, the baby did grow. Thank you so much. And you look so cute. I must say, the older you and Lana get, the more you look like me. For sure, my pregnancy bellies always looked like that.
I love the Sunflower Market here in Plano also. What great produce and savings. I am so into coupons and specials - last Monday I went to Tom Thumb, picked up their specials, their "buy one at coupon price", and using manufacturer's coupons and store coupons. The total came to $53.89. Their store coupon was $10 off a $50 purchase, then the other coupons and specials. I paid $18.21. Amazing. I sat for over an hour last night, matching coupons clipped with the specials for this week. After institute, I am off to the stores again. More savings.
Love your post, love you.
Looking super cute indeed! :) I love the jeans you're wearing...those are the Motherhood ones? They look really good on you.
I bet you'll have your baby a week early and mine will be a week late and we'll have them close together. You look about the same size as me--the doctor told me I'm measuring a week small. Lame-o. :)
You look so so so good!! It is so fun to see your growth...I feel like a whale and since I am about 3 weeks behind you and your size I may pass on posting too many pics :) I just have to stop eating everything I crave but my appetite flew through the roof a couple of weeks ago and I have no control! Keep up the good work though you look super cute and there is just nothing better than bargain shopping <---I would imagine that is extra true since you are married to the thriftiest man I have met :)!!!
Hey Staci and Eric! I happened upon your blog somehow while I was blog hopping and wanted to say hi. Staci, you are the cutest pregnant girl! I think the last time I saw you was at your wedding reception... it's crazy how quickly time goes. Hope you guys are doing well!
Its so fun to see you pregnant! You look fabulous and I am so happy for you two. Sorry to hear about the ticket. Here in Seattle they have cameras at all the lights so people randomly get tickets in the mail for not stopping at a light all the time. We have only had one so far, but it was quite the surprise. :(
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