I admit, I'm not a finisher. I could easily name off 20 projects that I have at one time started and not completed. I recently gave Erlynne a cookbook that I started making for her 5 years ago. The only reason it got finished at all was because she happened to be coming in town to see me on her birthday weekend.
I mentioned that going to visit Lana in Arizona had gotten me inspired to decorate. I love looking at repurposing projects-- when people turn trash into treasure. I always have ideas of how to do this myself but then I never actually do it. Until today. Today my golden opportunity presented itself and I pounced.
Eric and I decided to move the computer out of Wesley's room and into the living room. School is starting on Monday and it just isn't practical in there anymore. The problem is that our computer desk is about 6 feet long and will NOT work in the living room. Another problem we had to deal with was an abandoned desk sitting in the carport of the condo we manage. hmmmm
Today Eric picked up the desk. This before picture doesn't even do it justice... What we had was a nasty, decrepit, spider-webby, dirty piece of furniture that once served as a desk. Eric cleaned it off and threw away the rickety eye sore of a top part before bringing it home. At that point this before picture was taken. (This was formerly Clark's desk at the condo for those of you that may recognize it).

So I set to work. Only a few hours, 3 cans of spray paint, half a can of Mod Podge, 6 sheets of paper and less than $20 later, here's what we have!

Isn't it lovely?! I love it. Unfortunately the pictures aren't very great. But trust me, it was in sad shape before and it looks lovely now. Project started and completed in the same day. Biggest accomplishment ever. (Wellllll, not really. But it's up there).
I mentioned that going to visit Lana in Arizona had gotten me inspired to decorate. I love looking at repurposing projects-- when people turn trash into treasure. I always have ideas of how to do this myself but then I never actually do it. Until today. Today my golden opportunity presented itself and I pounced.
Eric and I decided to move the computer out of Wesley's room and into the living room. School is starting on Monday and it just isn't practical in there anymore. The problem is that our computer desk is about 6 feet long and will NOT work in the living room. Another problem we had to deal with was an abandoned desk sitting in the carport of the condo we manage. hmmmm
Today Eric picked up the desk. This before picture doesn't even do it justice... What we had was a nasty, decrepit, spider-webby, dirty piece of furniture that once served as a desk. Eric cleaned it off and threw away the rickety eye sore of a top part before bringing it home. At that point this before picture was taken. (This was formerly Clark's desk at the condo for those of you that may recognize it).
So I set to work. Only a few hours, 3 cans of spray paint, half a can of Mod Podge, 6 sheets of paper and less than $20 later, here's what we have!
Isn't it lovely?! I love it. Unfortunately the pictures aren't very great. But trust me, it was in sad shape before and it looks lovely now. Project started and completed in the same day. Biggest accomplishment ever. (Wellllll, not really. But it's up there).
p.s. Sorry the pics didn't make it on the original post. I have a love/hate relationship with Blogger. Most of the hate is directed to the photo uploading...
um...I'm a little sad to find that there aren't any pictures to see on here. What's going on? Is it blogger? Am I crazy? Email them to me. I'm really excited to see it.
Yeah! Two accomplishments at once. Getting the old desk off the carport for the tenants and getting your computer out of the bedroom. Did you keep the big desk in the baby's room for now? Or did you find a good home for it via Craig's List? I would love to see the pictures too. I am proud of you.
You sound like me. Congrats on the great day!
I think it looks great!! I love painting old furniture because it is so much cheaper than buying and you end up with something brand new to you!! I also emailed eric some pics of jax and there is one in there of me with jax in the moby wrap...he really likes it; especially now that I know how to use it :)
SO CUTE! Porter and I bought that desk when we were first married, and it originally lived with us in "Brazil House". I have a picture of Porter sitting on a tiny folding chair using the computer. Ahhh, I miss those 400 sq. ft. :) The desk looks much better now. You can't even tell it's 9 years old. Good for you--it's adorable!!!
So that is how that desk came to be in the condo! Always intersting. Every year, I swear, the condo grows another desk.
I think it looks fabulous Staci. You have a gift. I am impressed.
I LOVE IT. You crafty lil woman you. Soooo, I am confused is it still going in the living room? Where?
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