I can't believe how big our little boy is getting! He's 5 months old, almost 16 pounds, and a total busy-body. Mom, was I super fidgety as a baby? Marilyn, was Eric? This boy is ONLY still when he's asleep. I'm terrified for when he starts crawling. He's successfully learned how to roll from his tummy to his back and spends his time working on getting from his back to his tummy.
Here are some cute photos I snapped one day...

Ain't he sweet?

I love catching these faces on camera. Hilarious.

Sleeping "peacefully" in his car seat. What up gangsta.
This might be my favorite Wesley-ism. It proves he is my son. He puts his feet up on everything. He LOVES his bouncy seat and always kicks his legs up on those side bars, all casual. This picture also illustrates two other loves-- sticking out his tongue and chewing on his hands.
We love this little boy!
The bouncy seat picture cracks me up. :) Crew is a total fidget now too. If he's in my arms, most likely he's twisting his torso around 180 degrees to see everything he possibly can all at once. :)
Oh, yes, you were fidget galore! Most babies are at that age. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing.
Those are the best expressions! Haha, I love it. What a cute boy!
Those pictures are all soo shweeeet!!! I cannot believe how fast he's growing up!
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