Here is a picture of him getting a mom-haircut. Unfortunately, it turned out so bad I couldn't stand to look at him. Of course everyone else said it was fine, but he looked so white trash I couldn't handle it.
Also in the video you can see his latest trick-- blinking. It's pretty darn cute.
He has lots of tricks now.
He signs: bird, dog, monkey, banana, milk, water, more, airplane, please, sorry, thank you, cold (he made his own sign for cold), tired,
He says: car, done/gone, hi, mommy, daddy, shoe,
He also: blinks, dances, RUNS, does yoga (he has a mean downward dog), climbs on EVERYTHING, throws things in the trash, throws quite accurately actually, eats with a fork and spoon, takes the stairs like a man (holding the handrail and walking up), and loves to explore
I really can't believe how grown up and independent he is. He climbs on and off the couch by himself. He climbs onto the kitchen chairs and sits at the table by himself. And does it all left handed. Did I mention he's a lefty? I just think that's funny since Eric and I are both very right handed. Anyway, we just love this little boy and his big personality. He's so much fun and definitely allll boy.
Love the exaggerated blinks. And the finished haircut product turned out really cute. :) Such an adorable kid!
It is so much fun to have him here with us for one more month. I am going to miss his hugs, his kisses, his "take me outside" trips to either front or back door, his eagerness to learn and see all the things around him. It is fun to have a little toddler to teach and love.
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