Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowmageddon 2011

I stole the title from my sister's Facebook post. It made me laugh. She lives in Texas and while I'm sure they are experiencing an unusual amount of snow, I think I can safely assume we've got more here. My friends with school age kids are pretty much losing their minds... 2 snow days a week for the past 3 or 4 weeks will do that to you. I think they are up to about 9 snow days total now. While that may not sound like a lot, that's 2 full weeks of school. I'm pretty sure they are going till nearly the end of June now. Suckers.

Anyway, Eric and I snapped a few photos of the storm we're getting today. Keep in mind, we're only at the start of this storm. We've already gotten about 5 inches today and we're expecting at least another 10 inches, plus a quarter inch of ice to top it off by tomorrow evening. Swell.

 Check out these icicles on our building. I was blown away when I looked up and saw these. Those are 3 stories long!! They start at the 3rd floor apartments and go all the way down the pipes to the ground floor. The ones on the right are even bigger, just hanging there... A full one story sheet of ice. It's nuts.

 I was trying to walk to the side of our front door and I got stuck. I sunk down into the snow to above my kneecap but I was still standing on snow, not the ground. That tells me that it is at least 2 ish feet deep right there and I was still in the shallow part.

 Here I'm on the sidewalk standing on our new 4 inches of snow. You can sorta see how the other snow is plowed on the side-- again, it's at least 2 feet deep. When Wesley walks down the sidewalk it's up to his shoulders and he's 2' 5" right now. Hehehe so little.

My favorite-- these light posts are right around 4 feet tall I think.

I've never seen this much snow in my life. I was thinking the other day about what if this is the beginning of another ice age... will Woolly Mammoths come back from extinction? And we'll all ride around on our saber tooth tigers and live in snow caves...

As I was walking through the snow today (I went to pick up a package from the apartment office) I was also thinking that this would be totally awesome and fun if a) I wasn't pregnant and off balance/ out of breath all the time, b) I had a snowboard, c) I could take Wesley sledding.  Pregnancy in the winter is wonderful because I have a built in space heater (and it is that same reason I don't ever want to be pregnant in a summer) but it's lame because you can't really enjoy the snow!

All and all, we haven't really minded the snow. It's been pretty cool. But I'm not gonna lie. It's getting OLD! I will allow this weather to continue through February, but by March I would like to see some melting going on. Just a little. If that's too much to ask then maybe just less snow dumping... And please don't let me go into labor during a blizzard. Thanks.


LadyCarma said...

Nice pictures. The day looks so gray! Has the sun shone for a few days between storms? I don't mind a little storm now and then, but the sun has to shine more than storm days for me to be at my best. I am a fair-weather lady!

Allison said...

That's a lot of snow. I'm actually jealous. We haven't gotten very much here this winter. I need a good snowstorm for my winter to be complete.