Thursday, September 3, 2009

An apology...

I was doing some pondering and reflecting today and I feel the need to apologize. I feel like I have given out the wrong impression on my feelings toward pregnancy and childbirth. I know I complained a lot about these two things, because let's face it, they are rather uncomfortable. The Russian word for pregnant is literally translated "burdened." That's accurate. It is a burden and it is difficult, but more importantly, it is such a miracle. It is the most amazing, natural, and beautiful process. Each day when I look at my darling, sweet son, I marvel at the process that brought him here.

As for unmedicated childbirth, I'm so so glad I was able to do it! I found it to be a unique and exhilarating process. Yes, it was intense, long and painful, but miraculous and exciting just the same. I could go on and on about how great natural birthing is to me, but I know it's not for everyone. The point is, I'm thrilled to have a happy healthy baby. Despite my moanings, I feel blessed that I had a healthy active pregnancy and a relatively uncomplicated natural delivery. So I truly apologize for giving out the wrong impression.

1 comment:

LadyCarma said...

Who had the wrong impression? You were a normal first time mother going through pregnancy. All your statements and "complaining" were and are natural. I think women like to compare their pains and sufferings with each other, because they know other mothers understand what they are going through. I loved that you were able to pull off the natural delivery. Many young mothers have lofty goals going into their first pregnancy and then the pains start and they find their body can't take it, so there are options for them. We live in a great time for bearing babies. I never could have been a pioneer - birthed the baby and kept walking!