Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy 4 month birthday!

Wesley's 4 months old today! Don't mention it though... he's a little sensitive about his age. He's more ornery today than usual. I guess he relates to those people who get all surly on their 35th birthday because suddenly they feel old or something...

Here's a video of this morning before he decided it was a bad day.
(technical difficulties... I'll post the video once our camera battery recharges)

And in other news, Wesley no longer hates tummy time as quickly or fiercely. It's still not his fave, but I was able to snap this picture at least.


Lana said...

CUTE PICTURE! Love his little smirk. :) Happy birthday to Wesley--looking manly and grown up.

Erlynne said...

Ohhh, happy birthday, sweet Wesley! He's gorgeous as ever, and growing so quickly!!!